Original solution courtesy of EdRoxter from sevenforums. Install and configure EqualizerAPO for your output device with only one configuration file that has only How To Reverse Left And Right Audio Channels Android Realtek Audio Swap Left Right Hi all,I have always been new on videohelp, and possess a problem to inquire to you.Is there is a group program to exchange audio between Left and Perfect Station for an AVI fileResult in in all my AVI document, 5 of those data files have the tone of voice funnel at the left part. Click the green 'plus' icon to add a new configuration for your output device, then navigate to the 'Include configuration file' option.
Click/tap on Sound on the left side, select the output device you want to adjust in the Choose your output.
It works 100% legit and perfect with no obvious changes or software running. My front panel audio has the wrong signal to left and right, so i have had to not use it for a while until i found 1 solution online and i am today going to paste it here for others.